Thursday, October 22, 2009

WWI pics

Economic & Social Consequences of World War I

Most of the fighting took place in France, western Russia, the Balkan Peninsula, the Alpine frontier between Austria-Hungary and Italy, and the Middle East. However, millions of people all around the world were affected by this war. A total of 10 million men died during World War I. The deaths of these men had many social and economic repercussions. The social consequences where that since the men in these wars came back injured, they had great difficulty joining the workforce. There were also people that suffered psychological issues like the post-traumatic stress disorder. Also those men that died left their wives and their children to fend for themselves. Furthermore, men also faced difficulty finding work after the war ended for women had replaced the men and taken over their jobs while they were off in the battlefields.
In addition to this, there were severe economic consequences of the war. For instance, the countries that were involved in the war were now responsible to pay for the damages. Inflation rates rose, more people were facing poverty and many citizens were forced to live off of only their fixed incomes.
Aside from this, the end World War I brought forth many political changes, some of which created economic consequences. For example, when new states were formed in Eastern Europe new countries were cut off from the main and wealthier markets, which made it more difficult for them to get a hold of food and raw materials.
The biggest consequence to World War I was the punishment placed on Germany that was listed in the Treaty of Versailles. Germany was blamed heavily for World War I and as a result, they were given a greater amount of debt that they had to repay to help fix the damages caused by the war. Germany was angered by this punished and thus, they were easily swayed in 1933 by a Nazi leader, who was known as Adolf Hitler. Hitler was a very charismatic leader who easily came into power because Germans saw him as a way out of the heavy debt and the dire economic consequences that were placed on them due to World War I. Once Hitler came into power, Germany took out its anger at the world and there was the creation of World War II, which was another disastrous war that killed millions of lives. Looks like people did not learn from World War I, for it was followed up by another war, namely World War II.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This picture shows the amount of money each country spent on this war.
(click picture to enlarge)

WWI's Effect On Germany

Germany had many losses but many gains such as the work precentage for women had rasied to 37% a giant raise as many woman were not in work until now because Germany used many men in their war. The many deaths of men left many widowed woman behind and their young. The rapid raises of money ment that there were many food shortages as many couldnt afford much more because their husbands have died. the prices raised 4 times while the wage only raised 2 times. After the Treaty of Versailles and the Paris Peace Treaty all of the blame of the great war was put on Germany. This gave German people a bad amount of respect.

Minor Effects Of War

After this war most countries in this war had negitive effects. Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire collapsed. Under the Treaty of Versailles The germans had been banned from using an army as they were tought of being the cause of this war. Negative voice from the Germans soon leaded to a new form of government in the German empire. The winners had more of an negitive impact then benifets. Great Britain, who lost a lot of ships during the war, could no longer afford the world’s most powerful naval force they had used too much money during this war. It caused the British Empire to slowly lose its power that they worked hard to attian. Close to the end of WWI, the Russian Empire could not afford the huge output that is required by the war.After a long time the Bolshevik Revolution started the revolution transformed the Russian Empire into a communist state of U.S.S.R.

Lives taken

There were many lives lost in this great war. The numbers of lives lost is not a completly accurate amoust as there were many ppl whom died during battles others from wounds and many became prisoners and or went missing. The total amount that currently stands is 46,493,974. WWI also has many economic problems look at the links to see what problems each main country had faced durning this time.